The University of Milan-Bicocca – Department of Human Sciences for Education “Riccardo Massa” has the task of producing a study on the Media Dance + process, describing its mechanisms and dynamics, objectives and results, didactics, and methodology. To do this, with the support of the other bodies, it will collect all the material, results, artistic productions and qualitative and quantitative feedback from the students and the methodological-didactic feedback from the teachers. To these the material produced for the training course previously implemented will be added. At the end of the project, a digital publication in English will follow, which will be available for free online.
The target group for this activity is teachers from all secondary schools in Europe. The productive effort of the project is devoted to them and involves the University of Milano-Bicocca which will provide its research to academically validate the Media Dance methodology and subsequently make the study available to all.
Engaging these professionals in training and refresher courses, exposing them to artistic and civic content, stimulating them to use innovative methodologies and tools such the artistic and performative ones, in particular. These are all activities that can help to create a class of teachers who are better prepared and equipped with more tools for the inclusion, understanding, activation and enhancement of their students. This is the specific aim of this digital publication: to support the crucial work of Europe’s secondary school teachers for the new generations by proposing the use of innovative methodologies and “other” languages such as those of performing arts, which have a high transformative and therefore educational potential.


Dance and School Innovation: Media Dance Plus a European research project (2022)

by Nicoletta Ferri and Giulia Schiavone

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How can choreographic language be valuable for the school system in the contemporary world?

This volume intends to discuss frameworks, process aspects and outcomes of the European project Media Dance Plus, developed between Italy and France, and addressed to students and teachers of two secondary schools.
Born from the scientific collaboration between the Department of Human Sciences for Education “R. Massa” (University of Milano Bicocca) and the Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo, the project aimed at experimenting and promoting, through choreographic artist residencies, refl ections and innovative practices in the encounter between the world of school and performative languages. The reading and analysis of the experiences traversed, starting from the theoretical framework of the Una scuola Manifesto (Antonacci and Guerra, 2018), made it possible to highlight the impact that the performing arts can have on the school system, in terms of didactic innovation.
For this purpose, the text intends to share the multiple voices and multiple views of the actors involved, highlighting how the encounter with performance languages triggers the embodied approach to the transformative potential of the aesthetic dimension, understood as an experience of connection and mutual recognition.
The book is aimed at teachers, education and training professionals, artists and cultural operators and all those interested in and dedicated to the intertwining of art and education.

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Nicoletta Ferri and Giulia Schiavone, Danza e innovazione scolastica: Media Dance Plus un progetto di ricerca europeo, Franco Angeli, Milano 2022.

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